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"If you are looking for a smart & efficient analytics co-pilot, look no further than" customer, Ramkumar Ravichandran, Ex-Google Data Science Manager, Ex-Visa Director of Data Science

Ram Ravichandran

Google Data Science Manager & Ex-Visa Director of Data Science

"When I first tried the analytics co-pilot, my jaw dropped - it was amazing. It will finally free analysts of the repetitive and mechanical tasks so that analysts can be creative, strategic and truly analytical!" customer, Chen Zhao, Tableau Director of Marketing Analytics and Insights

Chen Zhao

Tableau Director of Marketing Analytics and Insights

"What really distinguishes is the exceptional calibre of their customer support." customer, Chen Zhao, Ex-Tableau Director of Marketing Analytics and Insights

Dr. Ricardo Valls

President, Geoconsulting Company

"Fueled by the groundbreaking potential of generative AI, is here. Get ready for an exhilarating revelation: this very AI now unlocks no-code data analysis, empowering you to become a 10x data scientist!" founder, Leon Wei, Ex Sr. Manager of Machine Learning at  Apple

Leon Wei

Founder,, Ex Sr. Manager of Machine Learning at  Apple.